Saturday 5 November 2011

The Perfect Running Machine for Home

It is usually time consuming, effort some and expensive to join a gym and visit it every day especially for people in professional lives. For that reason people start gaining weight and eventually it results in the health issues. To keep the body healthy doing exercise is mandatory irrespective of wherever done. The best exercise is running as one can easily loose weight and body remains slim and smart doing that. One can start running at home using Reebok I-run treadmill.
Reebok I-run treadmill is an ideal running machine to be kept at home. It has a beautiful sleek and stylish design that makes it look lavish and impressive. It is a wonderful machine to be gifted to anyone. The user of Reebok I-run treadmill has an advantage that he/she can set fitness levels, calories and times to set it according to the desired standards. It is durable and strong in its built. Great thing is that it is foldable and can be placed at small areas under the bed or behind anything at the corners of any place. It has a hard deck and the user must use hard shoes for running over it at least in the initial times.
Key Features of Reebok I-Run Treadmill

·        It comes up with a 2 years warranty and instructions manual.
·        It can bear up to 100kg weight of the user.
·        Users can adjust time, speed, calories, distance and pulse on the treadmill
·        It has LCD display which makes it decent to be used by anyone.
·        It has a speed of 14kph which is sufficient for ordinary users.
Bottom of Form
The drawbacks of this machine are that it consumes lots of space while in use and if you want to use it regularly then you need a bigger space to place it. It is not an ideal thing to be used at congested places. Another problem is that its fastest speed is not enough to satisfy runners who like to run really fast over it. Wherever it is placed, it usually leaves marks at that place which means the user has to put it at a hard place and it should be placed over a mat.

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