Noble Books

This page has list, description & links to some of the most noble books of all times.

- The Holy Quran:

It is the book of fastest growing religion of the world which is Islam. The meaning of Quran is "the most read book". It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad ( Peace Be Upon Him) between the period of 521 A.D to 544 A.D. The great thing about Quran is that it is present in the same shape as it was revealed by the Angel Gabriel (Alaih Salam). The reason is that God has promised the protection of this book in it. The Holy Quran has 114 chapters, 30 parts and it is easily available in almost all languages of the world. The Holy Quran was originally reveled in Arabic which emerged as a proper language after Quran was revealed. The Holy Quran mostly discusses Bani Israel which was the most liked nation of God for a long period of time. There are stories about the life time of different Prophets and Messengers of God in the Holy Kuran including the stories of Prophet Moses (Musa AS), Prophet Jesus (Issa AS), Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim AS), Prophet David (Daood AS), Ismael AS, Uzair AS, Yakoob AS (Jackobs), Zakaria AS, Imran AS, Marry (Marium AS) the mother of Jesus, Ishaq AS, Joseph (Yousaf AS), Hood AS, Saleh AS, Loot AS, Noah (Nooh AS) and few others. There are many chapters in Holy Quran that focus on Oneness of God and on the day of judgment. A great thing about Holy Quran is that the people from other scriptures can correct their faith by reading this book as it has many similarities with the books of Jews, Sabians and Christians. Infact all the previous books and the Holy Quran were originated from Lohe Mahfuz.

- The Holy Bible (Injeel)
The Muslims recognize the Holy Bible with the name of Injeel. It is not mentioned in the scripture of jews as it was revealed before the arrival of Prophet Jesus (Issa AS). The book injeel is basically the Gospel of Jesus which is known to Muslims and it doesn't exist in the world for now. Bible is a combination of many Gospels and books. It has many versions that were written over a period of several centuries after the departure of Prophet Jesus from this world. The most criticized concept in Bible is the Trinity. There is concept of One single God given by all the Prophets. However most modern day Christians believe in three Gods. That is probably because of corruption in the scripture.

- The Torah
The Torah is one of the most respected books of the world. It has been corrupted with the passage of time but it was originally very good book. It was revealed on Prophet Moses (Musa AS). It is the Holy Book of Jews. It discussed many things including the arrival of Prophets Jesus (AS) and Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). However still even after that the Jews tried to kill Prophet Jesus and they were engaged in a war against Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

- The Holy Zabur  (Content taken from Wikipedia)

The Sabians (Arabic: صابئة‎) of Middle Eastern tradition were a monotheistic Abrahamic religious group mentioned three times in the Quran with the people of the Book, "the Jews, the Sabians, and the Christians."[1] In the hadith they are nothing but converts to Islam,[2] while their identity in later Islamic literature became a matter of discussion and investigation.

According to Muslim authors, Sabians followed the fourth book of Abrahamic tradition, the Zabur, which was given to the prophet King David of Ancient Israel according to the Qur'an. The "Zabur" is identified by many modern scholars as the biblical Book of Psalms. Most of what is known of them comes from Ibn Wahshiyya's The Nabatean Agriculture, and the translation of this by Maimonides.
Other classical Arabic sources include the Fihrist of Ibn al-Nadim, (c. 987), who mentions the Mogtasilah ("Mughtasila," or "self-ablutionists"), a sect of Sabians in southern Mesopotamia who counted El-Hasaih as their founder[3] and academics agree that they are probably the enigmatic "Sobiai" to whom Elchasai preached in Parthia. According to Daniel Chwolsohn (1856) they appear to have gravitated around the original pro-Jewish Hanputa of Elchasai out of which the miso-Judaic prophet Mani seceded and are identified therefore as the pro-Torah Sampsaeans but also less accurately with the anti-Torah Mandaeans. They were said by Khalil Ibn Ahmad (d.786) to believe that they "belonged" to the prophet Noah.[note 1]
Some[who?] supposed that they influenced the practices of the Hellenic Godfearers (theosebeis Greek: Θεοσεβεῖς) while their angelology (based around the movements of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn) found its greatest development in the community which was based in the Harran region of south-eastern Anatolia and northern Syria. Ibn al-Qayyim distinguished them as the Sabians of Harran from the south Mesopotamian Sābi'ūna Hunafā.

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