Friday 25 February 2011

What is cosmetic dentistry about?

The word cosmetic has literal meanings of being artificial or something of superficial nature. The cosmetics usually are the makeup stuff that women usually use. These include the lipsticks, facials, hair colors, beauty creams, whiteners, hair removals, etc. The main purpose of using these cosmetics is to enhance the physical looks of the person using them. The use of cosmetics play the same role in person’s life as the polish does in the life of boots.

The cosmetic dentistry is not considered as a specialization of dentistry. There is no institute around the world offering any degree in cosmetic dentistry. However because of the need this is getting popular and a dentist has to offer his services in cosmetic dentistry to his clients in order to get richer in smaller span of time. The general concept is that the cosmetic dentistry deals with the apparent looks of the teeth by placement in a way that the person looks nice when he/she smiles.

As people grew older they loose teeth mostly. Especially the women loose in their 30s and 40s because they loose lots of calcium during deliveries. So the persons have no teeth or fewer teeth in mouth lose their self esteem and lots of times they fell into inferiority complex. They fear to smile in front of friends, relatives and other humans they know. Cosmetic dentists make those people smile with the help of putting cosmetic teeth in their mouth. A good cosmetic dentist can place the perfect teeth in a way that the person has natural looks with these artificial teeth and the best smile that person can get.

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