Friday 28 October 2011

7 Myths You May Believe about Grants

Getting all the information on grants is not possible by reading a single article or book. However one can get good ideas for getting grants by reading information on this from various sources. In short it’s a fact that one can get grant for almost anything if one has complete information on how to get it.
The following myths can be really helpful for readers who are willing to get grants or knowledge on grants for some reasons.
1st Myth: Plenty of Cash is available for grants… what are you waiting for just grab it?
In 2009 seventy five thousand grand making foundation have lost 17% of their assets according to the reports of foundation center. They have reduced their grant making to 4 billion dollars which is still plenty of money. The internal revenue service has a rule that they only wish the foundations to make at least 5% of their endowments as grants to remain tax free. The foundations wish to remain tax free for which they make these grants.
That means there will be plenty of competition in aid getting and aid granting in coming times. Getting the grants will become difficult but there will be more grants in coming times but not impossible.
2nd Myth: To Get Grants, especially government grants you need links with people
It doesn’t mean that if you don’t know persons awarding the grants you won’t get anything. It means that if you know anyone working for foundation among the board of trustees then a door opens for you to get the grants. However if you are not able to persuade people there in getting the grant regarding your project then the door closes for you in no time at all.
3rd Myth: “Pay a percentage to for all the grants you win”
Many grant seekers try to practice this but its illegal and immoral practice. The grant givers do not exercise this in most cases and even if this practice is applicable somewhere then don’t do it because it can get you into trouble for doing that.
4th Myth: Paying fee secretly for grant writing
There are many grant seekers who offer the grant writers a secret fee for writing grant for them. They put that in administrative expenses later on without letting the grant giver know that they have done this malice in getting the grant. It usually happens when the grant writer usually refuses to take percentage. It is still an illegal practice which must never be adopted in getting grants.
5th Myth: If grants are not given for operating costs then how to cover them?
There are many grant givers who restrict their grants and they do not allow their grants to be used for administrative expenses. However many grant seekers still misuse such amount later and find ways to make administrative costs out of these grants.
6th Myth: A good writer can write a grant
This myth is not based on facts because it’s not necessary that a good writer necessarily can write a grant. However, a decent writer can provide information related to grants.
7th Myth: Grant Writers can write words to get the grants easily
This myth is not true because words do matter but what matters most in getting a grant is planning, research other things which makes a grant to be qualified to be accepted by the grant giver.

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